Customer Portal Access

Configure Portal access for groups dedicated to it. Make sure everyone knows where to put the ticket and create a transparent system for your service desk agents.

The Customer Portal Access feature allows setting the visibility of a particular Portal. By default, all Portals defined in the service desk are visible to all who can access the Customer Portal. Thanks to our app, you can hide some of them and show only those who should see them for security reasons.

Steps 🐾

  1. Log in to your Jira instance

  2. Click on Settings > Projects > service project which you want to configure

  3. Under Project settings, select Feature Bundle > Portal Access Settings

  4. Click on the team icon to switch to the proper page

  5. Define visibility conditions

The visibility can be set for three parameters:

  • Organizations - the Organizations whose members will see the current Portal

  • Project roles - the project roles whose members will see the current Portal

  • Jira groups - the Jira groups whose members will see the current Portal

❗️To see the portal on the customer portal, the user must meet at least one rule (restriction).

If you don’t set any restrictions, a Portal is visible and accessible for all.

This feature is compatible with Refined for Jira | Sites & Themes.

Last updated