📚 Glossary

Look for definitions you may not be familiar of. We create a Jira Service Management glossary for you.

  1. Announcement banners: Messages displayed on the service desk portal to relay important announcements, updates, or alerts to users and customers.

  2. Edit Jira ticket: Feature enabling customers to modify or update their service requests within the portal without requiring assistance from agents.

  3. Escalation: Process of raising a service request or issue to a higher level of support or authority for resolution.

  4. Incident: Unplanned interruption or degradation in the quality of an IT service, often necessitating immediate attention and resolution.

  5. Incident communication management: Procedures for effectively communicating with customers during incidents to keep them informed of progress and expected resolutions, minimize agent involvement, and maximize resolution efficiency.

  6. Incident Management: Process of managing and resolving incidents to minimize disruption to IT services and swiftly restore normal operations.

  7. ITIL: Framework for IT Service Management (ITSM) that offers best practices for aligning IT services with business needs.

  8. ITSM: IT Service Management encompasses the processes, policies, and procedures used to design, deliver, manage, and enhance IT services for organizations.

  9. Jira Service Desk portal: Online platform or interface where users can submit service requests, report incidents, and access IT support services.

  10. JQL: Jira Query Language, a query language utilized in Jira software for searching and filtering issues. For functions, refer to the Atlassian page.

  11. Queue: Waiting line where service requests or issues are held until Jira service desk agents can address them.

  12. Request type: Categories or classifications used to categorize service requests based on their nature or purpose.

  13. Resolution: Action or process of resolving a service request or incident, often resulting in a solution or workaround being provided.

  14. Service desk agent: Support team member responsible for managing service requests and incidents.

  15. SLA: Service Level Agreement, a formal agreement outlining the expected service level from a service provider, including response and resolution times.

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