
Keep your customers up-to-date and inform them all at once. Create announcement banner for customers on the Portal to give them a note in advanced.

The announcements are a helpful way to give your customers important information. This extension for Jira Service Management allows you to post messages about anything you need, such as operating hours, a system outage, upcoming events, holidays, or maintenance.

The places within Jira Service Desk where you can add an announcement banner:

  • Help Center

  • specific Customer portal (everywhere or on the specific Request Types - Request Form and Request Detail View)

  • Unlike standard announcements in Jira Service Desk, with our app you can display more than one announcement on the page.

Our app doesn’t overwrite standard announcements - our customizable ones are displayed under the standard.

How to create an announcement banner on the service desk customer portal?

Steps 🐾

For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrator's global permission.

  1. Log in to your Jira instance

  2. Choose cog icon βš™οΈ > Manage Apps

  3. Select Feature Bundle > Announcements

  4. Click Add

  5. Configure announcement settings by editing the following fields:

    1. Location: Select the place where the announcement will be displayed. You can select from two options: Help Center and Customer Portal. In case of Customer Portal, you have to also select project and request types. If you leave Request Types field empty, the announcement is displayed for all Request Types.

    2. Content: Type Title (for example: Support Hours - Christmas time) and Message (for example: Dear Customers, The Support Team will be out of office from 20th December to 3rd of January. We are sorry for any inconveniences.) which you want to display for customers. These fields support HTML.

    3. Scheduling: Select Start date (in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd). Additionally, you have to define a day when you want to stop displaying announcements for customers. Two options are available:

      1. Select Stop date (in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd). OR

      2. Set the state of Stop condition switch to on. After that, select Issue Key of existing issue and Status. If the issue reaches the selected status (for example, Service request will reach Done), the announcement is hidden.

  6. Click Add to save the announcement.

Result πŸŽ‰

A new announcement has been added to the list. You can deactivate them by setting the state of Active switch to off. To remove one, click Delete.

Last updated

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