Rename SLAs

This page describe how to change name of the SLA metric.

Unlike standard configuration in Jira Service Management, with our app you can rename SLAs (natively you have to create a new SLA with the correct name). It allows you to save time if you would like to make changes, especially in a lot of service desk projects.

Please make sure to back up your database or create an XML backup in Jira before attempting this action.

How to rename SLAs?


For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

  1. Log in to your Jira instance

  2. Choose cog icon ⚙️ > Manage Apps

  3. Select Feature Bundle > Utils

  4. Select Rename SLAs

  5. Select SLA which you want to rename

  6. Type a new name for selected metric. The number of characters is limited to 255

  7. Click Rename

  8. Check the I understand the risk of this action. box to confirm

  9. Click Update


The SLA name has been changed to a new one.

Last updated