Display assets

This page describes how to display assets connected to customer accounts.

This feature is available only for Premium and Enterprise Plans.

You can display connected assets to each customer. It could be a linked hardware, software or even a manager.

🐾 Steps

  • Click on the Apps in the top navigation, choose Customers and Organizations

  • Click on App Settings in the left panel

  • Select Asset Access Token and provide credentials.

  • Go to Forms and add a Asset field

  • Select object scheme, provide AQL to select assets to display. You can use AQL to bind assets with customer account. Read more about binding below.

  • Select Display attributes to show

  • Save the changes

Bind by User object

In the asset you can define attribute of type User. You can make a binding between customer and assets by below AQL. CurrentUser function will be replaced with the customer account id.

Holder = currentUser()

Bind by Object

In the asset you can define attribute of type Object. It's a reference to another object in Assets. You can make a binding between customer and assets by below AQL. CurrentUser function will be replaced with the customer account id.

Owner.user = currentUser()

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