Display assets

This page describes how to display assets connected to customer accounts.

You can display connected assets to each customer. It could be a linked hardware, software or even a manager.

🐾 Steps

  • Click on the Apps in the top navigation, choose Customers and Organizations

  • Click on App Settings in the left panel

  • Select Asset Access Token and provide credentials.

  • Go to Forms and add a Asset field

  • Select object scheme, provide AQL to select assets to display. You can use AQL to bind assets with customer account. Read more about binding below.

  • Select Display attributes to show

  • Save the changes

Bind by User object

In the asset you can define attribute of type User. You can make a binding between customer and assets by below AQL. CurrentUser function will be replaced with the customer account id.

Holder = currentUser()

Bind by Object

In the asset you can define attribute of type Object. It's a reference to another object in Assets. You can make a binding between customer and assets by below AQL. CurrentUser function will be replaced with the customer account id.

Owner.user = currentUser()

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