πŸ’¬ FAQ

Read most frequently asked questions about ITSM, Jira Service Management and Feature Bundle.

Is Feature Bundle for Jira Service Management free?

The app is free up to 10 users.

Is Feature Bundle for Jira Service Management only for Cloud?

No, this app also has a Data Center version.

How to install Feature Bundle for Jira Service Management?

Start a free trial by visiting the app on the Atlassian Marketplace.

How to edit Jira ticket?

You can edit Jira tickets with the Feature Bundle Edit Request feature. Find the Edit Request tab under the Project Settings and set up the edit request form.

How to display linked issues on the service desk portal?

Go to the project settings and find Field Values on request. Enable toggle and decide which fields you want to show.

What kind of permission does Feature Bundle require?

To configure features like edit requests, you have to be an admin project or have global permissions.

What custom fields can be added to the edit form?

We support more and more fields. The whole list you can find here.

Can I create only one banner on the customer portal?

No. Unlike native Jira banners, you can create more than one. The banners can be displayed in one location simultaneously, and they can be different depending on the site and other conditions configured with the app.

Where can I display a banner on the customer portal?

You can display announcement banners in every possible place at the customer portal. You decide.

Is it possible to schedule a banner on the customer portal?

Yes. You can schedule a banner to disappear automatically. You can also set conditions when the banner is displayed.

Can I use emoji in banners?

Yes, you can! Customize your banner with emojis to make it more eye-catching.

How to add workflow steps on the service desk portal?

Find the request steps configuration under the project settings and set up steps that match the ticket statutes.

How to change the name of "edit" button?

You can change the name of the edit request button in the edit request form. Choose to translate and rename the button, for example, for escalate.

Can I save Jira ticket as a draft?

Yes, it is possible with the Feature Bundle. Check out more in the customer actions section.

Is it possible to get notified after request edit?

Yes. Go to app configuration and set up the comment with variables that will appear under the ticket every time it is edited.

Why can’t I see the custom field in the edit form?

Only fields are assigned to the project on the edit form. Remember to add a custom field to the project scheme.

What are customer actions on the service desk portal?

Customer actions include Jira service desk extenstions such as editing Jira requests, escalation, saving Jira tickets as drafts, and approval processes.

Last updated