Announcement banners

This page describe how to add announcement banner for customers on the Portal.

Dynamic announcements introduce a new approach to announcement banners for customers. Create a message that reaches everyone. Options for banners:

  • Choose the best place to display the announcement (Help Center, Customer Portals, Request Forms, Request Details View, Profile, Requests)

  • Schedule: define the time (all the time, on certain days, if the conditions are met)

  • Restrict: limit visibility for selected groups (if the conditions are met which bases on languages, organizations, Jira groups, project roles, and email domains)

  • Content in Rich Text Editor or HTML

You can use one of the provided examples of the HTML banner.

How to add a new banner


For all of the procedures described on the following pages, you must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

  1. Log in to your Jira instance

  2. Choose the cog icon ⚙️ > Apps

  3. Select Feature Bundle > Banners

  4. Click Add

  5. Configure announcement settings by editing the following fields:

    1. Locate: choose the best place to display the announcement (Help Center, Customer Portals, Request Forms, Request Details View, Profile, Requests)

    2. Schedule: define the time (all the time, on certain days, if the conditions are met)

    3. Restrict: limit visibility for selected groups (if the conditions are met which bases on languages, organizations, Jira groups, project roles, email domains

    4. Design: use a Rich Text Editor or HTML

    5. Summary: compare the preview with your settings

  6. Click Add to save the announcement


A new announcement has been added to the list. You can deactivate them by setting the state of Active switch to on. To remove one, click Delete.

Last updated