Edit Request

Create a self-service service desk portal and allow you customers to edit their Jira tickets. People make mistakes, so make room for adjustments.

Watch a quick instructional video on how to configure the edit request feature 🎥

The Edit Request allows customers to make changes in their requests on the Customer Portal. It is disabled by default (immediately after app installation). As a Project Administrator, you can enable this option under Project Settings. Go to Configuration to read how to configure it.

Who can edit fields and when?

You can choose in the configuration who can edit fields on the Customer Portal:

  • Reporter (selected by default)

  • Request participants

  • Organizations

For each field, you can put JQL to define whether the field will be editable.

You can also define a maximum number of edits. It can be 1 edit or 100.

Edit request form - choose editable fields on the customer portal

It's you who decides which fields customers can edit. Use drag and drop to add fields to the edit form.

To show fields in "Available fields," assign them to the selected Request type screens. Please remember that fields must be assigned to the project schemes and supported by our app. The list of supported fields is here.

Do you need support for more system and custom fields? Let us know via our Customer Portal. We plan to add support for other fields depending on the interest.

Status field in edit form – automatically change the status of the request

The status field is supported in the edit form. Define conditions in which requests with statuses are editable (with JQL) and change status automatically after editing the ticket by customers. This can be used in escalation, i.e.

How to edit a request – request details view on the service desk portal

🐾 Steps

  1. Go to the request that you want to edit

  2. Click the Edit Request link on the right section

  3. The edit request dialogue appears.

  4. Make changes

  5. Click Save

🎉 Result

All changes have been saved.

For Jira users who have access to the issue, a change is visible in the History tab:

If you select the checkbox to enable adding an internal comment after each edit operation, Jira users see an internal comment on the issue:

Last updated