
This page describe how to configure a possibility to edit requests on the Customer Portal.

For this procedure, you must be logged in as a user with the Project Administrator's permission.

Specific configuration for Assets(formerly known as Insight) is available under the Edit Insight tab.

After app installation, this feature is not active.

You have to configure:

  • who can edit a request,

  • if the internal comment will be added after each edition,

  • which fields can be edited,

  • when fields can be edited.

Click by yourself with an interactive demo 👇

🐾 Steps

  1. Choose Projects > service project which you want to configure

  2. Under Project Settings, select Edit Request

  3. Select the Request Type that you want to configure. This list also includes hidden Request Types

  4. Define who can edit a request:

    1. Reporter - someone who created a request (By default this option is chosen)

    2. Request Participants - people with whom the request is shared

    3. Organizations - people from organizations with which the request is shared

  5. Select the checkbox if you want to enable adding an internal comment after each edit operation

  6. Use drag and drop to move fields from the right to the middle section. These fields will be displayed on the edit form. If you want to remove the field from the edit form, move the field to the right section back

  7. By default, the field added to the middle section is always editable. By putting JQL, you can define conditions when the field is visible and editable on the form. Find some examples in this section

  8. Click Save changes. If you want to remove the current changes, click Discard

  9. In the action menu (three dots), you can add Translations or Bulk edit multiple Request

🎉 Result

The Edit Request link is visible on the requests. Customers are now able to make changes.

Remember that to edit the request, the customer must have access to it.

Customize comment on Edit Request:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps

  2. Search for Feature bundle Configuration

  3. Click on Configuration

  4. The comment content can be configured in the global configuration (including the use of variables)

  5. In Edit Request text field, add customized comment that will be added to request after editing, use variables for more personalization.

💡 JQL examples



status = Open

The field is editable if only the request is in the Open status.

priority != Medium

If the Priority field has a value 'Medium', the field is not displayed on the Edit form = it can't be edit by the customer.

description ~ 'to do'

The field is editable if the Description contains 'to do'. It's useful if your customers are working on the request and need more time to fill the whole ticket with the necessary information. They can type 'to do' as a signal that the request is not ready to investigate by service agents.

created >= -60m

The field can be edited for 60 minutes from creating the request.

Aren't you familiar with Jira Query Language (JQL)? Read more in the official Atlassian documentation. You can also contact us via Customer Portal. We'll be happy to help!

Last updated