
Use variables to customize your Jira issue templates, and manage your board even better. Make sure each tasks is properly named, and has correct data in it.

Variables: placeholders that represent dynamic values used in various contexts, such as issues, workflows, automation rules, filters, and reports.

Customize your issue templates with variables. Thanks to this option, all your issues can be updated with the necessary variables.

Suppported variables

Currently, we support variables for text fields: Summary, Description, custom field paragraph (supports rich text), custom field short text (plain text only)

🔜 More variables supported coming soon.

VariablesEvalutedParent templateChild template


Display the name of the user who opens the Create issue dialog.


Display the email address of the user who opened the Create issue dialog.

⚠️ It can be empty if the app doesn’t have access to this email.


Current day


Current time




Next week


Next month

⚠️ Pay attention to the February, 29th or every month, 31st.


Current week number


The key of the Parent issue.



Summary of the parent issue



Description of the parent issue



Reporter of the parent issue



Assignee of the parent issue



Priority name of the parent issue



Due date of the parent issue


Result 🎉

1️⃣ step:

2️⃣ step:

Last updated