Export & Import Request Types

This page describe how to export and import request types between projects and Jira instances to save your configuration, but still change the project.

The Export Request Types feature is a helpful way to save your configuration and import it into another service desk project within the same Jira instance or into another one - using Import Request Types feature. You can also modify this file (for example: typing Field Helps faster than in the standard way by clicking every Request Type separately) and import it into the same service desk project. Saving configuration is also useful for backuping or archiving purposes.

The elements which are exported to .JSON file:

  • Request Type name

  • Request Type group (if this group doesn’t exist in the target project, it is created)

  • Issue Type with ID

  • Description

  • Help and instructions

  • Visible Fields with IDs (these fields must exist in another Jira instance if you want to import them)

    • Display name

    • Required flag

    • Field help

  • If you have some hidden Request Types, you can also export them. After import, they will be added to Hidden from portal group.

  • Our app doesn’t overwrite standard announcements - our customizable announcements are displayed under the standard one.

How to export Request Types from service desk project?

Steps 🐾

For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Administer Project permission.

  1. Log in to your Jira instance

  2. Choose Projects > service project which you want to configure

  3. Under Project settings, select Feature Bundle > Export Request Types

  4. Select the Request Types that you want to export by selecting the checkboxes next to them

  5. Click Export to save selected Request Types as a .JSON file

Result πŸŽ‰

The .JSON file with configuration has been saved.

How to import Request Types from service desk project?

Steps 🐾

For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Administer Project permission.

  1. Log in to your Jira instance

  2. Choose Projects > service project which you want to configure

  3. Under Project settings, select Feature Bundle > Import Request Types

  4. Configure import settings by editing the following fields:

    1. Match issue type by name: Set the state of switch to on if you don’t want to match issue types by IDs (a default behavior)

    2. Match custom field by name: Set the state of switch to on if you don’t want to match custom fields by IDs (a default behavior)

    3. Do not create duplicates: Set the state of the switch to on if you don’t want to create Request Types during the import process if a Request Type with the same name as in the imported file exists in the current project.

    4. Paste content from .JSON file which you created in the previous section (How to export Request Types)

  5. Click Import to add Request Types to the project.

If you set the state of Do not create duplicates switch to off (a default behavior), every Request Type is added to the project. If a Request Type with the same name as in the imported file exists in the current project, the β€œold” Request Type is not overwritten by a new one - it’s added next.

Result πŸŽ‰

The Request Types saved in the imported .JSON file have been added to the project.

Last updated