Assignee - Average CSAT

🔑 What this report is about?

This report displays agents with the best performance score, ordered by CSAT rank. Issues are assigned to agented based on the assignee when the report is generated.

This report requires customer satisfaction (CSAT) feedback filled in on issues. For more information how to enable it, please refer to Atlassian documentation here.

# How this report is calculated?

Avg. satisfaction rate per agent from issues with create date from given range.

🔑 How to run the report?

This report is available as a native Jira Gadget and can be displayed on any Jira Dashboard.

🐾 Steps

  1. Go to the Dashboard you want to add a report on.

  2. Click on the Edit button to add new gadget.

  3. From the list on the right, choose Assignee - Average CSAT and click Add.

  4. Configure the gadget and click Generate chart.

  5. Save the changes on the Dashboard and enjoy the report!

Last updated