Trigger types

Read how templates can be executed

Planning to create issues from templates is only available for private and public templates in the Planner step. For cross-project templates it's possible to create tickets only manually from the template list by clicking the Execute button.


When you select this option, the template is not scheduled. You can always click the Execute button on the list of templates to run it when you want. A new issue will be created based on this template.

Run once

Provide the exact date and time when the issue will be created. An issue will be created on the given date and the template will change its status to expired


Select how often the issue will be created.





every [x] day(s) at [hh:mm]

Task: "Enter orders into the database" every 1 day at 4:00PM


every week on [day(s)] at [hh:mm]

Task: "Post payment transactions" every week on Monday at 9:00AM


every [x] month(s) on the [x] day(s) at [hh:mm]

Task: "Preparing a monthly summary of marketing activities" every month on the first at 1:00PM


every year at [hh:mm]

Task: "SSL certificates renewal" every year at 10:00AM

You have to also select Time Zone. The default time zone is set based on browser settings.

The first issue will be created:

  • now (immediately after clicking Save) or

  • based on schedule or

  • after specific date.

This scheduled creation will be stopped:

  • never (until you deactivate the template) or

  • after [x] times or

  • in the time which you provide.

CRON expression

Put the CRON expression to define how often and when the issue will be created. Here you can find free CRON expression generator which can help you.

Please note that for now we only support 6 diggits CRON expressions such as "0**?**" - which triggers template every minute

Last updated

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