Customer service: phone number validation with Regex custom field

Read how you can use the Regex custom field on the customer portal using the Jira service desk.

The Jira service desk is used to process orders. A customer support team needs to ensure that customers provide valid US phone numbers when they submit order requests through the Jira Service Management portal. The US phone number format must be +1-212-456-7890

The customer support team wants to avoid invalid data and wrong phone numbers to make sure it won't disrupt the shipping process and take longer.

The regex field is a perfect solution. The admin configures Regex's advanced custom field to accept only US phone numbers, which is the correct form: +1-212-456-7890 (^+1-\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$). This field is required, so the customer has to fill the field.

Customer John wants to order - he filled in all the fields, but the field with the phone number can't be saved because of an invalid format. He notices that he missed one digit. He puts the correct phone number and submits the ticket.

Agents are sure the phone number is correct and can quickly contact John.

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