Display the number of linked issues on ticket request details view

Read how you can use the Dynamic custom field on the customer portal to take care of your customer better and improve communication between customers and the organization.

Agent Phill got a ticket CUS-189 to resolve. He needs to assess its complexity first to know how to approach it. Dynamic field custom fields that count external and internal comments are added in this project screen, so after opening the ticket, he sees that there are 6 externals, and 2 internal comments. Also, the team uses Dynamic field to count attachments and linked issues, so Phill also sees the number of them. Having those numbers, Phill right away knows, that this incident is bigger and it can be global. Hen can immediately judge by the linked issues that it is not a single incident and is more complex, occurring among multiple reporters. It surely can take longer, so Phill can plan more hours to deal with it.

Do you want to display linked issues in the view of request details? We've got you 🙌 Try Feature Bundle for free.

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