Use cascading custom field on the create issue view
Learn how to use Multilevel Select custom field right when creating issues. PS. As easy as pie🍰
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Learn how to use Multilevel Select custom field right when creating issues. PS. As easy as pie🍰
Last updated
The multilevel select custom field looks the same as the regular Jira select. Depending on which screen the Jira administrator added this custom field to, a Jira user can enter a value on the Create issue screen and the View issue screen.
Click Create on the top navigation in Jira.
Click on the area below the multilevel select name to open the dialog.
Choose values on the select lists.
Click Save.
Continue creating an issue.
Click Create to save values as a new issue in Jira.
🎉 Result
A new issue with a filled Multilevel Select custom field has been created in Jira.
🐾 Steps
Click on the area next to the Multilevel Select name to open the dialog.
Choose values on the select lists.
Click Save.
The Multilevel Select custom field has been edited on the issue.
By default, a custom field added to the View issue screen is visible in the right panel under Details. You can pin it to the top if you want - this field will be moved to the Pinned fields.
If you want to display this field in the left area, change its position in the configuration: Project settings > Issue layout. You can also create a tab on the screen and move this field there. It's configurable in the Project settings > Screens.
Let's check how to implement Multilevel Select field on the customer portal.
Use saved values in JQL