Translate options

Adjust options name to user localization and translate the values in cascading custom field.

There is a possibility of translating the level's name, descriptions, and options.

How to translate options?

  1. Go to the custom field and its context, and edit the custom field configuration just as you want to configure some levels.

  2. Below each tab, you will see a Translate option.

  3. Expand the Translate option, choose a language, and type the translated text.

  4. Go to the next levels if you want to translate other options.

  5. Don't forget to save the changes.

Languages available:

  • English UK

  • English US

  • Chinese (China)

  • Chinese (Taiwan)

  • Czech

  • Dutch

  • Estonian

  • Finnish

  • French

  • Hungarian

  • German

  • Icelandic

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Norwegian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (brazil)

  • Portuguese (Portugal)

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Slovak

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

  • Vietnamese

Last updated