Bulk Actions

With a bulk actions you can update multiple issues at once, actions that you are able perform with bulk actions are:

  1. Adding Comments (in Service Projects you are able to select Internal Comments and Comments for Customers),

  2. Linking Issues,

  3. Updating Values (for now only Resolution is available),

  4. Changing Status,

  5. Or performing all of above actions at once with "Select more than 1 action" hidden in action menu (three dots)

Before changing the Resolutions or Status, make sure that selected Status is available in current workflow, and that Resolution field is added to selected Issue Screen.

Users without ADD_COMMENT permissions won't be able to add comments via Bulk Actions.

🐾Steps to show Bulk Actions on issue:

  1. Go to any issue (remember that Bulk Actions are enabled in Project Settings)

  2. Click on Bulk Actions located in Quick-add buttons under Issue name

  3. Navigate to bottom of the issue

  4. Issue Merger PRO - bulk actions is visible

Issue list will be visible in Bulk Actions after merging at least one issue. Don't know how to merge issues? Follow up to Merge your first issues

🐾Steps to Disable Bulk Actions

  1. Go to Project Settings

  2. Click on Issue Merger Manual

  3. Navigate to Panel on issue view

  4. Click on checkbox next to Display panel with bulk actions

By default this option is enabled.

Last updated