HubSpot Custom Field

Link Jira issue with HubSpot object

To link issue with a HubSpot object, create a custom field first. You can choose between single and multi-select. Steps

  1. First go to Settings (cog icon) > Issues > Fields

  2. Click on Custom Fields

  3. Then click on Create custom field

  4. Then click on Advanced and select HubSpot Object Picker Multi or Signle

  5. Click on Next button

  6. Add name of your choice and descriptions of the custom field

  7. Then just click on Create button

  8. Associate new custom field to appropriate screens

  9. Click on Update button

  10. Next, go to Contexts and default value and select click on Edit custom field config. You can choose an Object type there. Once you did it, you are ready to go.

Import data based on provided email and display it on the issue view. This feature support fields such as: Fields:

  • Reporter

  • Assignee

Custom Fields:

  • User Picker

  • Text field (Single line)

  • Text field (Multi line)

Steps to select from which field HubSpot CRM Integration should gather information:

  1. Go to your project

  2. Click on Project Settings

  3. Click on Apps

  4. Click on HubSpot Intergration

  5. Click on Droplist and select field

Last updated